Brigitte CAUSSAT

Professor ENSIACET – Toulouse INP

+335 34 32 36 32




Keywords : Chemical Vapor Deposition – Atomic Layer Deposition – Thin films – Nanomaterials – CVD and ALD process modelling – Reactive gas phase simulation

My current research activities concern thermally activated Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) processes. The substrates to coat can be either planar or complex (3D parts and powders using fluidized bed CVD reactors). The aim is to correlate the synthesis conditions to the characteristics and properties of the deposited materials, by combining experimental studies on lab-scale equipments and numerical modelling works at the process scale using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes. The mechanisms involved in the process (gas phase transport phenomena, homogeneous chemical reactions) and on the substrate surface (heterogeneous chemical reactions, nucleation, growth) are finely analysed. These activities are conducted in the frame of collaborations with complementary labs and with industrial companies. Deposited materials recently or currently under scope include oxides and oxynitrides (Al2O3, SiO2, ZrO2, TiO2, SiOxNy, …), metals  (Cu, …) and a promising conductive polymer, PEDOT.


Application & Teaching

Research interest :  Optimisation of the morphology, structure and chemical composition of the coatings and of their electrical, thermal, optical chemical, … properties in relation with specific applications.

Applications : Green energy (Li-ion battery, solar water splitting for hydrogen production) – Anti-corrosion coatings – Thermal barrier coatings –  Optoelectronics

PhD students in recent years : S. Ponton (2019) – G.P. Gakis (2019) – M. Mirabedin (2020) – K.C. Topka (2021) – S. Aslam (2021-2024) – G. Duthoit (2022-2025)

Post doc in recent years : B. Breig (2021-2022) – L. Oger (2021-2022) – A. Nada (2021-2022) – A. Jaud (2021-2023) – E. des Ligneris (2021-2024) – I. Jellal (2023-2024) – S. Kumar (2023-2024)

Teaching activities at ENSIACET and ENSAT : Transport phenomena (L3, M1, M2 levels) – Process safety (L3 and M1) – Thin film deposition engineering (M2)

Research collaborators : A. Sekkat, H. Vergnes (LGC) – A. Vande Put, D. Monceau, D. Samelor (CIRIMAT) – G. Zissis, C. Renaud, M. Ternisien, C. Villeneuve Faure (LAPLACE) – S. Roualdès (IEM)

Education and Degrees

Engineer and Master degree in Chemical Engineering

  • PhD thesis on CVD process engineering


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