Marianne BOIX

Maitre de conférences / Associate Professor

+335 34 32 36 68



I am working in the department Process and Systems Engineering on modelling and optimization of complex systems according to environmental and economic criteria. My research activities are focused on the modelling and multicriteria optimization of resource networks at different scales. A typical application is the optimal design of exchanges of energies and water in the field of industrial ecology (Boix et al., 2015). The main goal is to develop approaches, procedures and methodologies to build generic models that can help the decision makers at a tactical scale by giving them operational optimal solutions (Boix et al., 2022). The criteria are various: economic, environmental based on LCA approaches, societal or operational. I am also interested in the deployment of optimization approaches at a territorial scale through the study of water-energy- food nexus with multi-agent based approaches.


  • Multiobjective optimization
  • Industrial ecology, industrial symbioses
  • Multicriteria decision –making tools
  • Water-energy-food nexus
  • Energies, water networks, heat integration
  • Decarbonization

Application & Teaching

Supervision of PhD students:

  • Manuel RAMOS: “Bilevel optimization of Eco-Industrial parks for the design of sustainable resource networks”, PhD defense in September 2016
  • Phuong-Anh VO DONG: “Multi-objective optimization for ecodesign of aerospace CFRP waste supply chains” PhD defense in April 2017
  • Anastasia ROTH: “Développement de méthodologies génériques pour la conception optimale et durable des parcs hybrides d’énergies renouvelables » PhD defense in May 2019
  • Florent MOUSQUE : « Conception Optimale des Réseaux de Ressources pour le Développement des Pars Eco-Industriels » PhD defense in March 2021
  • Daniel PENA-TORRES: “Water Energy Food Nexus optimization through Process Systems Engineering approaches” Since 2020.
  • Amaya SAINT-BOIS: “Development of a territorial approach for the optimal design of complex systems such as water-energy-food nexus.” Since 2021
  • Sydney THOMAS: “Development of a multi-actor based approach to design eco-industrial parks”, Since 2023

Teaching and collective responsibilities

My teaching experiences gather basics for engineers such as: numerical analysis, optimization, multiobjective optimization, project management, heat integration, process integration analysis. I have also developed several teaching courses for Master degrees students in Industrial Ecology, Operational research and multicriteria decision-making tools.


  • Head of Industrial systems engineering Master degree since 2020, at ENSIACET, INPT
  • Active member of the transdisciplinary “Mastère Spécialisé Eco-Ingénierie” since 2016, INPT

Research projects

I have participated as work package leader to different national research projects: ANR SEARRCH, ANR WAENO, ENERNET project (CNRS)  and coordinated projects like ANR GREENSCOPE (ANR-16-CE10-0001, from 2016 to 2020):

Responsible of project ACT-4-IE: development of a systemic tool for industrial ecology ( (22-PESP-0004-ACT-4IE   from 2023 to 2029)

I am also member of the operational committee of PEPR SPLEEN for the decarbonization of industry. I am responsible with my colleague G. Batot (IFPEN) of Axis 1: New monitoring and control tools.

Education and Degrees

Licence Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon

Master Recherche Science de la Terre et de l’environnement, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse

Doctorat Génie des Procédés et de l’Environnement

The PhD thesis was entitled “Multicriteria optimization of industrial water networks” and was supervised by Pr. Luc Pibouleau and Pr. Ludovic Montastruc

Postdoctoral associate at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign on the modelling of water resources at a global scale

Maitre de conférences, Associate Professor, INP Toulouse, LGC

5 Oct 2023 : Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) 

« Towards an optimal management of resources: from production processes to territory”



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