Béatrice BISCANS

Directeur de recherche CNRS / CNRS Senior Researcher

+335 34 32 36 38

GIMD – Interface and Particle Interaction Engineering
Crystallization Engineering and Solid and Particles Processes



Crystallization and precipitation processes in complex media: generation and formulation of crystals with controlled properties. Multiscale approach and methodology for controlling the quality and the end-use properties of the crystals or nanostructured particles, by acting on the design and on the operating conditions of the process. Experimental and modelling approaches.

  • Thermodynamic of solid-liquid systems at equilibrium and out of equilibrium
  • Local study of nucleation and crystal growth mechanisms in dynamic.
  • Influence of additives and impurities on crystallization kinetics.
  • Aggregation and characterization of precipitated nanoparticle suspensions under flow
  • Innovative crystallization processes for wastewater treatment, energy saving or recycling.

Key words:  chemical engineering/industrial crystallization/nucleation/crystal growth/ aggregation


Application & Teaching

Research interest:

  • Process-product interactions for controlling solid end-use properties (purity, polymorphism, crystal size distribution, morphology)
  • Processes of spherical crystallization
  • Nucleation and crystal growth kinetics study in controlled conditions
  • Nucleation and growth in microfluidic systems
  • Processes for generation, stabilization and characterization of nanoparticles
  • From batch to continuous crystallization processes

Applications: generation of pharmaceutical active particles/wastewater treatment by precipitation/material for energy /recycling / urban mining

Research supervision, in recent years: 

– 5 PhD students: Sara Kirchner (2015), Kémie Ley-Ngardigal (2016) ,Dimitri Radajewski (2017), Norinda Chhim (2019), Margot Zielinski (2020),.

– 2 post-docs : Nicolas Coppey (2014) , Waldemir Moura de Carvalho (2019)

Teaching activities: My teaching activities are at the Chemical Engineering  department of Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, at the master levels. I teach crystallization processes, solid and particle size enlargement and characterization techniques.


– Academic : Sébastien Teychené, Laurent Cassayre, Christine Frances, Philippe Destrac (LGC Toulouse), Christel Combes (CIRIMAT), Mathieu Spérandio (LISBP), Nicolas Rivière (ONERA).

– Industrial : Pierre Fabre, IFPEN, CEA, Solvay, EDF, Fives Proabd, SNAM.

Education and Degrees

CNRS scientist in Chemical Engineering Laboratory of Toulouse

Degree of accreditation to supervise research (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches)

Post-doc position at National Space Research Center (CNES)

– PhD (National Polytechnique Institute, Toulouse France)

Title of the thesis: Purification of cheese whey proteins by ion exchange chromatography in fluidized bed. Awarded by the Chemical Engineering French Association. A patent was deposited on the results.

– Engineer Degree (High National School of Chemical Engineering -Toulouse-France)

– Master Degree of Chemical Engineering (University of Toulouse-France)



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