
The LGC, involved in networks 

The CRITT Génie des Procédés - Technologies Environnementales is a technical operator that responds to requests for information and services from regional and national companies. It is jointly supervised by INP Toulouse and INSA-Toulouse through their SAIC (Service d'Activités Industrielles et Commerciales) and is supported by two laboratories:

  • the LGC
  • TBI

This partnership ensures that the CRITT team has the resources it needs to keep up to date. Two associated technology platforms complete the package, offering SMEs access to equipment that is unique in the region.


The FERMaT research federation (Fluids, Energy, Reactors, Materials and Transfers) has the central objective of initiating and supporting interdisciplinary research projects in broad areas of engineering science in Toulouse and the surrounding region.

The Federation's core members are teams from 6 laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Chemical Engineering
  • Toulouse Institute of Fluid Mechanics
  • Toulouse Bioitechnology Institute
  • Interuniversity Center for Materials Research and Engineering
  • PLAsma and Energy Conversion Laboratory
  • Systems Analysis and Architecture Laboratory
  • Other regional laboratories are involved on a more ad hoc basis.

5 active research themes

  • Multiphase flows
  • Materials and Applications
  • Life Sciences Engineering
  • Porous media and colloids
  • Microfluidics and Microreactors

The LGC associated with the FERMaT Federation

Several teams from the Chemical Engineering Laboratory have been involved in FERMAT federation projects since its creation, and the laboratory has been able to host equipment financed within the framework of this federation and therefore open to all its members.

The laboratory's correspondent for this Federation is Pr. Anne-Marie Billet.





The BioEco University Research School aims to provide high-level collaborative education and research activities in the field of bioeconomy, focusing on biological and chemical engineering with a holistic and systemic vision leading to innovation, sustainability and societal development. EUR BioEco offers a 5-year course, M1/M2/PhD, including new transdisciplinary teaching courses designed to merge bio and chemical engineering, environmental and economic training.


GdR (Groupements de Recherche) become RT (Réseaux Thématiques)

to which the LGC contributes

  • RT Cavitation  Download file
  • RT I_GAIADownload file
  • RT MORPHEA : « Morphologie et Phénomènes d’Agrégation » – Download file
  • RT PROMETHEE « Procédés Hydrométallurgiques pour la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources Primaires et Secondaires »  – Download file
  • RT REdoxFlow
  • RT SLAMM : « Solliciter LA Matière Molle »  – Download file 
  • RT SoPhy – Soft Physics for Hard – Physique douce pour matériaux durs Download file
  • RT Synthèse en Flux –Download file
  • RT ThermoBio : Conversion thermochimique de la biomasse et des déchets –Download file