Benjamin Erable

Chargé de Recherche CNRS

+335 34323623

Ingénierie des biofilms



Electroactive Biofilms: exploration of novel sources of electroactive microorganisms, electronic transfer mechanisms, biofilm structuring on electrodes, electro-microbial kinetics, microbial community functions

Bioelectrochemical systems: processes for the application of electroactive biofilms (microbial fuel cell, microbial electrolysis cell, microbial electrosynthesis, microbial electrochemical snorkel…), scale-up of microbial electrodes, upscaling of electromicrobial processes

Microbes – cementitious materials interactions: bio-reactivity of micro-organisms and biodeterioration of cement-based materials in extreme conditions (hyper alkaline environments, high pressure of hydrogen, high salts content).


Application & Teaching

Research interest:  biofilm engineering, microorganisms – conductive surface interactions, biodeterioration

Applications: Energy production, wastes and wastewater treatment, sustainability of microbial processes

Research supervision

– 10 PhD students: D. Pocaznoï (2012), S. Debuy (2014), E. Blanchet (2016), C. Voegel (2017), P. Chong (2018), A. El Abed (ongoing), E. Roubaud (ongoing), P. Albina (ongoing), M. Hoareau (ongoing), C. Pérez (ongoing).

– 7post-docs : L. Soussan (2011), C. Kassim (2012), S. Ketep (2013), Y. Rafrafi (2013), M. Rimboud (2014), W. Richard (2017), N. Durban (ongoing)

Stays as a visiting researcher : Université de La Manouba, Tunisie (2017-2018)

Teaching activities: Electroactive biofilms, from fundamentals to applications; Microbial fuel cells and recent new biotechnological applications


Academic partners : IRSTEA Antony, IRSTEA Rennes, LBE Narbonne, MICALIS Jouy-en Josas, ECOFOG Martinique, CEA Saclay, LEMIRE, CEA Cadarache, LETI, CEA Grenoble, LMDC Toulouse, LISBP Toulouse, ISTerre Grenoble, Mines Lille-Douai, LME Fès, University of New Mexico, CNR-IRSA, University La Sapienza, National Technical University of Athens, Université de la Manouba

Industrial partners: 6TMIC, Suez, Andra, Amphos 21, Ecocem, Cousté Solutions

Education and Degrees

Doctorat de Génie Enzymatique, Bioconversion et Microbiologie (Université de La Rochelle)

Chargé de Recherche CNRS

Habilitation à diriger des recherches (INP Toulouse)



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